Friday, 17 July 2015

Studio reorganisation

I have been thinking about altering the layout of my studio for several weeks.  Over the last few months I have come to realise that the layout at present just isn't working well.  I have corners that fill up with clutter, the access to my easel is easily blocked and my table tops soon become covered with STUFF.

I need somewhere to store blank supports, and also work in progress, and work which is finished, but may be worked on again.  I also need somewhere to put work up so that I can see and assess it over a period of time.

I have accumulated a large collection of jugs, bowls, cups and the like, for my still life set-ups, and these are stacked precariously in plastic boxes.  I would like them to be out on show, but not in the way.

I have come up with some ideas that I hope will cover most of the above problems.  It does mean that the two large IKEA wardrobes that I use as storage cupboards will have to be moved - and of course emptied before they can be moved!  The two bookcases are also being moved.  So I am not going to be able to do any work for at least a week.

In between heaving all this stuff around I hope to be working on all the ideas that are spinning around in my head, after the visit to Hull museum.  I also have ideas for new work in general.  I may post some preliminary sketches, but I really want to keep these ideas to myself for a while.

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