Monday, 8 June 2015

Harbourside stage 4

Worked on Harbourside yesterday, and also played around with a few techniques and materials on some heavy watercolour paper.  

This painting is at the slightly ugly stage, but I know it will be fine, it just needs more work, but it's one of those paintings which I need to keep looking at throughout the day to see where to go next.  Some paintings seem to paint themselves and others, like this one, seem to resist being finished.

Harbourside, stage 4

I like how the quay side is coming, it just needs the finer details putting in such as window frames and chimney pots, plus railings, signs etc.  The boats need a lot more detail as they are in the foreground.  Hopefully I will get it near to finished tomorrow.  I don't like the two boats in the background facing the same way, so one will have to up anchor and turn around.

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